Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ready or Not...

    Nine months ago, the most wonderful thing happened. I became pregnant. Tomorrow, after nine months of the craziest ride I've ever been on, I will give birth to the biggest dream I ever dared dream. Miss Ayla Jane Sanvictores is scheduled to be compelled into this world.
    After repeated hints from my doctor, we decided that it was prudent to schedule to induce labor the day after my due date to avoid any unnecessary complications caused by the size of the baby. For the last two weeks, Adrian and I have prepared and finally, the day has come!
    I suppose I should want things to happen on their own, but I feel more and more fortunate that I know the exact date and circumstances that all the excitement will begin. Moreover, I won't have to worry about any embarrassing incidents in the Target checkout line or whether my doctor will be in town. Everything will be monitored and controlled. Even better, my doctor broke down the timing and expectations for the progress of the labor tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about whether I'm going to be suffering for hours without need.
    My mother is coming in town to help support Adrian and myself. Adrian and I have spent the day cleaning and preparing and shortly after I log off from posting this I'll be tucking myself in for the last time as a pregnant woman waiting to be a mommy.
    It seems almost surreal that the day is already here and I find it hard to believe that this time tomorrow night I'll be holding my baby girl after dreaming about her for so long! One thing is certain though, we'll be enjoying a wonderful Christmas this year, the first as a real family! So in case I don't have a chance to post again, merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone! I'll post pictures and more news when I get a chance. Catch you all on the flip side!

Monday, December 3, 2012


    Today, I was in Hobby Lobby picking up a shelf for the nursery mural (which turned out fantastic by the way) and a little boy walked up to me and called me "mommy". At first I thought he was confused but then he pointed to my tummy and and said "baby". It hit me at that point that in a matter of days I would be someone's mommy!
    I'm officially 9 months pregnant now. There's no more room in my tummy for more baby, but I'm still two weeks away from the big day. Ayla's getting excited and I can hardly wait myself. Adrian  has mentioned things that we still need to get and as he goes through the list, I'm amazed at the things we've already gotten covered. In a matter of a month, we moved in to the house, moved out of the apartment, arranged all the necessary furniture, I finished all my classes and finals and now I have two weeks to get the house in order before our lives change all over again. I feel so incredibly blessed and overwhelmed. I have to give Adrian particular thanks for keeping it together while doing all the heavy lifting and still working his crazy overtime schedule.
    Life is a whirlwind of crazy at this point but I've never been more happy or contented with the minutiae of life. Now that finals are over, the minutiae is the best part because I finally have time to think about it! Maybe it's the season of Christmas and Thanksgiving or just the fact that God has blessed me so wonderfully and completely with a wonderful husband, an amazing family, a not-so-tiny miracle and a life I never could have dreamed of for myself. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting Ready!

    So many exciting things are going on that it's difficult to focus on just one, so I won't try. As I've mentioned on previous posts, Adrian and I have been desparate to find a house to settle in that is far more suitable than our decrepit apartment. The best news is that we have closed on a house in the 151/Potranco area of San Antonio and have already begun to move in. This is some of the best news that either of us has received in a long time and it's certainly a load off both our shoulders. We're hoping to have time to prepare everything properly beforehand, but knowing that we'll have a safehaven to bring Baby home is a huge relief! Not only that, but we are in the process of settling with our apartment complex in such a way that will be best for all parties involved.
    Secondly, I've had a little bit of time to focus on preparing for the big moment. I started putting my hospital bag together the other day and it's amazing how much fun I had just throwing a few things into an overnight bag. Generally, I hate packing, but this time around, I found it incredibly fun! I've packed Baby's outfits for the hospital and going home, comfy clothes for me and most of all the necessaries I'll need for what will hopefully be a short stay. I've even included a list of things I still need to pack or will have to pack last minute for Adrian to either grab on the go or come back and pack once I'm admitted. Adrian was impressed and, I have to admit, so was I. The goal is to slowly but surely do what I can in the meantime to prepare so that it's not as mad a rush when we get situated in the house.
    Thirdly, our birthing, parenting and breastfeeding classes are all scheduled, and we have meetings with prospective pediatricians. Now, the next major thing to check off our list is to find a daycare. We've been travelling a lot on the weekends, which is coming to an abrupt halt as of the end of October, so I'm hoping that we will be able to nail down a wonderful daycare within a few weeks. We visited one that looks fantastic but now we have to figure out the few weeks before Ayla is old enough to go to daycare but I'll be in school.
    We've had amazing help from Adrian's parents and everyone has been incredibly supportive. We can't help you all enough for all your words of encouragement and prayers. I think it's obvious that it's all paying off now!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The "Mom Cut"

    One of the things that I've made a decision about is the "mom cut". I'd say it's a safe bet that as a new mother I won't be able to do my hair every day, in fact, I'll be lucky to get a shower once a day. Having long, thick hair isn't conducive to those conditions and, let's face it, it may just make matters worse. I often just pull it up, dry or wet, each morning and there it stays for the remainder of the day.
    Since I don't foresee long hair being an asset to me as a new mom (and maybe more of a liability), I've made the executive decision to chop it off! Yes, I'm cutting off the hair that I've been growing out since Adrian and I got married (which is actually true). I cut my hair shortly before Adrian and I got engaged and then regretted it when it hadn't grown out as much as I wanted by the time we got married, so I decided to grow out my hair until I just got sick of it. That day is imminent.
    I've decided that a few weeks before my due date, assuming I make it until then, I will chop off the majority of my hair. I'm not going to go Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias crazy or anything, but by my calculations, I'll be cutting off over a foot of hair leaving the remainder length at just below my shoulders. The cut portion will of course be donated to Locks of Love or some charitable organization to help those in need of my hopelessly split-ended coiff.
    So, if you have any suggestions on style or salon, please pass them along. Here are a few of the ideas I had in mind:

    Having looked at all three of the pictures now, I realize they're basically all the same, just parted or styled differently. Oh well!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


    It’s losing sleep because you don’t know how you’ll get all the things you need to get done correctly and in time.
    I’m now officially in my third trimester and, while that gives me a sense of accomplishment, it also gives me a renewed sense of panic. We’ve spent our weekends thus far travelling to see family and house hunting on the weekends, which has been wonderful, but has forced us to put off other necessary activities such as attending birthing and baby care classes, researching daycares and pediatricians and dealing with the fact that it is very likely we’ll still be stuck in our apartment when the baby comes. As I’m sure is clear by now, the house that we put an offer on back in August didn’t work out and we are still clueless about what we’re going to do come January when our lease is up.
    Sure, we still have three months in which to get everything accomplished and that seems like plenty of time, but in the meantime, mid-terms and finals are upon me and Adrian is working as much overtime as possible. With all of those things combined, it makes spending time getting the remaining ducks in a row that much more difficult.
    I know I’ve mentioned it before but we are blessed with amazing families that love and support us to the brink and beyond, and now more than ever we’re relying on their support. As a wonderful friend advised me, when you have a child, you accept the offers of kindness and assistance of others for your children’s sake and not your own. Adrian and I plan to use the weekends to clear away the rubbish, pack and clean, take classes and figure out the other details of first-time parenthood. Our families and friends have already begun planning baby showers to help us celebrate this time and take our minds off all the things we still haven’t bought and figured out. They are providing excellent advice when and where it is needed and giving words of encouragement when it’s all there is to be given. None of it goes unnoticed or unappreciated!
    Most importantly, I’m leaning more than ever on the faith that we’ll be shown the answers we need in God’s time. It’s a small consolation but consolation, nonetheless. After living a life of trying to control the minutiae and plan every contingency, I’ve had to accept that there are things we can change and things that are best left in Other Hands. For now, the things I can control, trust me, I am! I’ve scheduled birthing, breastfeeding and child care classes. I’ve scheduled a few pediatrician interviews, I've researched the reviews of the hospital and maternity ward, I’ve gathered a list of day cares that I’d like to visit and I’m working on finishing our gift registries; all single-handedly, all in good time, and all in between classes, work, and life. I’m exhausted, I’m overwhelmed, but I’m also blessed with a wonderful burden (and I mean that both literally and figuratively)!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Diaper Debate

    We've made the decision to try out cloth diapers and our reasons are varied and many. What I have found so surprising is the number of people who have assured us that we WILL change our minds and that it won't be worth the effort.
    I don't generally appreciate people telling me what I will and will not do but regardless, the decision to use cloth diapers was not one that we made lightly. We've (well, I've) done the research and feel certain that cloth diapers will not only be far more cost-effective but will not require much more handling of poop or be any more disgusting than disposable diapers would be. Diapers are diapers and babies are babies. If you're not ready to deal with poop and pee, I (and I'm sure every mom out there) would recommend not having children just yet.

Here's some links to learn more about cloth diapers:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


    Yes, I'm pregnant and yes, I still eat McDonald's. Yes, I feel like a quasi-failure as a mommy when I catch myself getting excited in the Drive Thru line. I can't help it. Cravings are tough to beat down no matter how gross they may be. For instance, before I got pregnant I never wanted to eat Taco Bell, but since, I'll get the idea of Taco Bell in my mind and I have to have it.
    There are theories that cravings are a hint from the body that it is lacking some essential nutrient. I can't figure out for the life of me (or Ayla's) what nutrient my body could possibly be telling me I'm lacking. McDonald's essentially has everything I should be avoiding: salt, fillers, synthetic bovine hormones. Happily not all my cravings are unhealthy. Ive also craved watermelon, frozen yogurt, chocolate milk, etc... Though, in the end, it all comes down to one letter. "C" is for craving and that's good enough for me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No Nest to Fluff

    Pregnancy comes with many consequential attributes. One, of which I've heard is the best, is the "nesting period". During the nesting period the mom-to-be prepares the nursery, cleans the house and in all other ways physically, mentally, and emotionally prepares for the arrival of the baby. It manifests in differen ways for different mommies and is all a part of the preparation of the transition from ordinary woman to mother. From those of my friends and family that have been fortunate enough to experience the joy of a nest during the nesting period, I have been assured that it is the most fun part of pregnancy. All focus is upon the health, safety and comfort of the baby, the most important things to a mom-to-be. But what does a gal do who has no nest to... nest?!
    As many already know, Adrian's amazing parents have offered to purchase a home in the San Antonio area that Adrian and I would then rent. Nearly six months and several rejected offers later, we are still waiting and hoping for the right house to come along. In the meantime, our current apartment has cost us over $3000 in damages due to flooding, AC repairs, and miscellaneous havoc, and, as we have discovered this summer, never goes below 82 degrees during the summer months (while costing us exorbitant amounts in electricity). While the insurance claims keep mounting and I continue to wake up sweating in the middle of the night from the excessive heat, I continually think about how crucial establishing a stable and adequate environment for our child truly is. There are so many things that depend on the location of one's home: the proximity of the pediatrician and daycare, the purchase and set-up of baby furniture, the ability to ensure safety of the home itself, and most importantly, the peace of mind that we, as parents of this child, are doing everything possible to ensure our baby is healthy, happy and well cared-for.
    So how do I deal with the increasing need to "nest" and my inability to do so? I shop, crochet, read, research and generally worry myself (and by extension, Adrian) into a frenzy. There's not much else that can be done. Once a home is established, we'll be in a rush to paint & prepare the house, pack, move and organize. The more I think about how little time we have left and how rapidly it is fading away, the more saddened I become that I'm missing out on "the fun part".
    Some good news has since come our way, though. Over the Labor Day weekend, an offer was made on a great house and the offer was accepted! The option period has begun and the inspection is on Friday. I went to see the house this afternoon and it is brimming over with potential! While this is certainly a step in the right direction, I know better than to get too excited. Still, we ask that everyone pray that everything goes well and that there are no surprises during the inspection.

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Pregnant Lady Walks Into A Bar...

    So the last couple of nights we've gone out with friends. It's nice to be around a group of people you know and like, having fun and doing things that non-pregnant people do for a change. However the site thumb syndrome kicks in when you realize there might be a reason that pregnant women aren't seen out in clubs that often.
    It's no longer any secret to the world that I'm pregnant. At almost 6 months, it's pretty obvious that it's not just a bunch of extra weight I've gained in the frontal stomach area over the summer. If that didn't resolve any lingering doubts, the occasional jump seen through my t-shirt would. So, when walking in the bar to meet some friends that were moving away on Thursday, I realized that I was a walking punchline. It made me feel self-conscious, but did it make me leave...? Absolutely not!
    I realized rather quickly that I'm either a public service announcement about the importance of birth control (which I personally find HILARIOUS) or just simply that pregnant lady who just ordered a Shirley Temple instead of the usual Raspberry Martini. Not only that, but there are certain perks to being the pregnant lady in the bar. People offer you a seat, which can be hard to come by in a busy bar, and waitresses don't give you that pissed off look when you only order water. Aside from the inevitable stares, it's basically business as usual otherwise; people drinking, looking at other people.
    When we went to the club last night to celebrate a friend's birthday, did I make like a wallflower and sit in the booth the whole night with the guys...? Heck no! God made me to be a joiner! Admittedly, there were some awkward "belly rubs" while on the dance floor, but thankfully they were mostly from myself!
    So, what did I learn from all this, you may ask. I learned that, at least for the time being, I'm still a young fun-loving woman, pregnant or not, and as long as the baby will let me, I'm entitled to a good time! If that includes going to bars & clubs with my friends before being on lockdown with a newborn, I think I should enjoy it as much as possible while I can. I've never cared about what people think and I don't figure now is a good time to start. As I continue to get bigger and clothes get smaller, I figure the best thing to do is milk it for all it's worth, enjoy our last few months of baby-free life, and maybe enjoy the fact that the joke may be on me, but not for much longer!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

We Now Present...

As promised, bright and early, I am posting to announce that Adrian and I are the very proud future-parents of a sweet baby girl! I have absolutely no intentions of posting any pictures of my child's private parts on cyberspace but I can assure you that there is unequivocal photographic evidence of that fact. Instead I posted this lovely profile pic! It has also been unequivocally confirmed that there is only one baby in there. I hope this stops any future speculation about us having twins (but I doubt it).
    In addition to finally seeing between her sweet little legs, we also got a peak at all of Baby's organs. Everything is developing wonderfully! Baby wasn't really awake during the sonogram but woke up shortly after and thanked me for the Cherry Coke I had drunk beforehand (to wake her up for the sonogram). Perhaps it was for the best after all; in the past she hasn't really cooperated with the sonographer and I was dying to know if  she was a boy or girl.
    So, Adrian and I are thrilled that we will have yet another lady in the house in a few short months and, no doubt, she'll boss us all around admirably. Plans are already in the making to find a saddle for Big Bubba Buckley (just kidding). I also finally got to show Adrian all the girly stuff I've been hoarding for months! Happily, he just laughed and said he liked it. It might take him a while to get used to the "girly stuff", but something tells me that with a daughter on the way he'll learn to tolerate it eventually!
    So, in closing, I hope we didn't disappoint! Yes, we have a name picked out but I'm holding on to that one for a later post and there may be a poll on the preferred spelling to help us out. As a farewell, my baby girl wanted to wave goodbye to you guys!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Drum Roll Please!

    Today was the long-awaited sonogram that was supposed to finally reveal the gender of the baby. This time around, Baby did not disappoint. Not only are all the organs and heartbeat right on track, Baby gave us a peek between those little legs!
    As many of you know, my dream and the Chinese calendar predicted a girl, however the Cuban test and a baby heartbeat prediction predicted a boy. It goes without saying that neither of these methods is an absolute guarantee and we definitely found that to be true today.
    So, what did we see?! Come back here on Monday to find out! Yup! We've discussed it and we want our family to find out first before everyone else, but I promise the reveal will be worth the visit. We have photos and videos of the sonogram and I promise to post as much as possible ... MONDAY!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Guide to the Dominican Republic

If you're pregnant and go to the Dominican Republic, here's a few necessary tips to keep in mind:
    1. Speak Spanish (may be most important);
    2. Take bottled water and only drink bottled water;
    3. Take hand sanitizer and use after washing your hands;
    4. Trust only about 30% of the food (even if you're staying in a resort);
    5. Make friends with the natives; and
    6. Prepare yourself for an adventure!

The Happy Dance

    Not that there ever was any, but any and all doubts as to the paternity of this child, whether girl or boy, will be laid aside with this post. Every time I eat the baby commences what I have dubbed the "Mealtime Happy Dance". The baby starts kicking around like there's no tomorrow as if jumping around in anxious anticipation of the impending feeding frenzy. I attribute this trait to the paternal genes since no one appreciates a good meal like my beloved counterpart.
    When I explained this to Adrian he laughed and said that he imagines that if the baby doesn't like something that I eat, it would kink the umbilical cord as if in protest against eating. We both laughed at this but as the baby gets bigger and runs out of space to stretch I wonder if maybe the happy dance isn't just another way of the baby demanding either more or something else. The thought makes me worry about Hungry Baby in future. 
    Food for thought indeed but, regardless of the reason why, shortly after starting any meal lately, I'm sure to become a traveling baby dance floor. The plus side of this is I know that Baby is doing well and is feisty as ever. The negative side, and I don't imagine one can stress this too much, is that I have to continue to eat while a tiny human is using my abdomen as a trampoline. The undeniable fact is that, while it makes post-mealtime somewhat uncomfortable at times, I enjoy knowing that Baby is so uniquely a part of us that it is sure to fit right in upon arrival!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream...

    A dream is a funny thing. A dream is why I'm convinced the baby is a girl. Dreams are what Adrian and I sometimes discuss first thing in the morning (particularly after a really vivid or thought-provoking one).  While I've been pregnant, my dreams have been as strange as they usually are, but they've been more poignant as well.  I've had night terrors at times, and dreams that have expressed what I try to suppress to avoid being the "crazy pregnant lady".
    A dream that keeps coming back to me involves cupcakes. Sometimes they're different colors and flavors; sometimes I get to eat them, sometimes I don't.  Last night I had a dream that there were several cupcakes to choose from, and I chose a red and a blue one.  I remember they weighed a lot too!  The blue cupcake got broken and smushed a bit, but when I looked at it again, I said, "Oh well, it still looks delicious!"  Someone I don't even know decided to dip their finger into the frosting of the blue cupcake and suddenly it seemed less appetizing. I remember thinking, "At least I still have the red one." Then I took a bite of one of the cupcakes, but now I can't remember which one!
    I bet Freud would have a field day with that one.  My own interpretation is the same thing I've been stressing over for the last few months.  I've had to come to terms with the fact that I have a true gender preference and that, while I already love whatever child I have, I want the baby girl from the dream I had almost a year and a half ago so badly, I worry it might have ruined me for a boy this time around.  Then again, the dream might also be interepreted as my understanding that even if I do have a boy this time, there's always the possibility of next time and, once I see the baby, I may feel things turned out alright in the end despite my initial disappointment.  I guess I'll just have to wait the 17 days remaining until the next opportunity to find out!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Babymoon!

    I read a post on a baby website one day that was about the importance of pampering onesself during pregnancy or something silly like that (I'm really just saying that because I took the advice to heart). One of the recommendations was to take a "Babymoon". Essentially, the idea is that the couple take the equivalent of a second honeymoon prior to the birth to allow them time to connect and relax before the madness begins. It's also unlikely or at the very least not recommended that parents travel with really young children, so we know that it will be a while before we can do anything like this again. Plus, I really don't want to be "those people" on the plane, both for my sake and the sake of the other passengers. 
    I thought this was an especially helpful idea since, not only have Adrian and I promised each other that travelling will be a priority for us, but with school, two jobs, a pregnancy and househunting/moving in the next few months, I think I'm owed at least a little relaxation! I think the trip is coming at the perfect time as well since I start school August 20th and my boss will have just gotten back from a two week-long vacation himself. It's true that we could have spent our money elsewhere and there's plenty of ways it could have been spent, but something tells me that, particularly once the baby's here, I'm going to feel like this was the best money we ever spent on a vacation.
    So, where are we going?! We're staying 6 days and 5 nights at an all-inclusive resort in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. I found a fabulous Groupon for 88% off the usual price a few months back and figured it was a deal too good to pass up. The best part is that we had to finish using up our travel vouchers from our honeymoon, so this was the perfect opportunity! What's even better is that, not only are we going to be staying right on one of the rumored most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, but we won't have to pay for much since it's all-inclusive! The scuba diving is supposed to be unparalleled and while that's scratched off our activities list since we don't want Baby to come out looking like Stewie on Family Guy (or evil & vindictive towards me for having subjected it to immense amounts of pressure), the snorkeling is supposed to be no less impressive as well! While ziplining and some other adventure-type excursions are also not an option, I have a feeling we'll have no trouble finding ways to enjoy the beach and the beautiful scenery. I can't wait to get there and relax and I'm just hoping that I won't still be burnt from floating the river when we get there!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Baby's Playlist

All I Want Is You - U2 (the song Adrian and I danced to on our wedding day);  Angel Standing By - Jewel;  Ave Maria - Jewel;  Be Thou My Vision - Ginny Owens;  Piano Concerto #5 "The Emperor" - Beethoven;  Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung;  Does She Know - Kelly Pease;  Don't I Hold You - Wheat;  Dreamsome - Shelby Lynne;  Eve, The Apple Of My Eye - Bell X1;  Even When I'm Sleeping - Leonardo's Bride;  Everything - Lifehouse (Our song, and the song playing when we first kissed);  Everything'll Be Alright - Joshua Radin;  Eyes - Rogue Wave;  Feels Like Home - Chantal Kreviazuk;  Give In To Me - Garrett Hedlund &Leighton Meester from "Country Strong";  Gotta Have You - The Weepies;  Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright;  Hard Times - Eastmountainsouth;  Have A Little Faith In Me - John Hiatt;  Hey Jude - Joe Anderson from "Across the Universe";  I and Love and You - The Avett Brothers;  I Want To Hold Your Hand - T.V. Carpio from "Across the Universe";  If You Want Me To - Ginny Owens;  Just Like Heaven - Katie Melua;  Last of Days - A Fine Frenzy;  Let It Be - Carol Woods from "Across the Universe";  Let It Be Me - Ray LaMontagne;  Lullabye - Natalie Merchant;  Nobody Knows Me At All - The Weepies;  One Fine Day - Natalie Merchant;  Only You - Joshua Radin;  Canon In D Major - Pachelbel;  The Parting Glass - The Wailin' Jennys;  The Shining - Badly Drawn Boy;  So Are You To Me - Eastmountainsouth;  Stand By Me - Ray Charles;  These Small Hours - Rob Thomas;  To Make You Feel My Love - Garth Brooks;  Try A Little Tenderness - Michael Buble;  Turning to Peace - Paul Schwartz;  You Belong To Me - Jason Wade;  City Hall - Vienna Tang;  Christmas Song - Dave Matthews Band;  I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz

Baby says "Hi"

    I read that beginning at 17-18 weeks, you can begin to play music for the baby.  I've also heard that this is also a great way to get them to move around in the first few weeks when the mother can feel the baby.  I got my first two little kicks on July 5th and at first I wondered if I could have possibly been mistaken, but lo' and behold, it was the baby indeed. I have been able to feel a sort of queasiness when the baby moves around, but since the 5th I hadn't really gotten a good solid kick (though Baby decided to pommel my vital organs on Saturday night which was not pleasant). 
    Today, while working at the library, I decided to try putting some headphones on my belly and playing the playlist that I put together for Baby.When the playlist reached one of my favorite and one of the most moving songs I know, "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens, the baby started kicking like crazy.  It was the first time in three weeks that I knew Baby was saying "hi" and I knew right then, Baby has GREAT taste in music! Either that, or Baby was trying to get me to turn it off, but since I must interpret as I choose at this point, I choose to believe that the baby was doing a little happy dance. Unfortunately, I think one of the headphones shifted as did the baby, and it was no longer my stomach that Baby was kicking, but my kidneys... 
    Notwithstanding the kicking of my vitals, I know we'll get along great and I'm hoping soon Daddy can join in on the fun of feeling Baby say "hi"!

A Bull-Headed Lil' Booger!

    I had my check up on July 13th, or Friday the 13th. I had called the doctor's office earlier in the week to see if they could do an early gender test by sonogram to figure out the sex of the baby as a belated birthday surprise for Adrian. I didn't expect anything but when I arrived at the office, the doctor told me that they would wheel in the sonogram machine to see if they couldn't figure out the gender!
    Unfortunately, Adrian was crazy-busy at work and wasn't able to go with me to the appointment that day, but it being Friday the 13th, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. The baby's legs were crossed tight at the knees the whole time! Even when the baby would kick, they would kick at the same time not allowing the doctor a peak!
    Although frustrating, it was wonderful to get to see that the baby is progressing beautifully and really looks like a baby now with toes and feet and a little more on it's bones than just a thin layer of skin. As a souvenir and birthday surprise, I got to take Daddy home a picture of the baby's face.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fingers, Toes, & a Willful Disposition

    Today was the big day for the sonogram and Baby did not disappoint. In fact, we saw so much of Baby's hands the sonographer had a hard time getting all the measurements she needed. Despite all her poking and prodding Baby refused to drop her hands. I warned Adrian that this was a sure sign that Baby inherited my stubborn nature.
    We got to hear Baby's heartbeat again and even got to watch her kick and move around quite a bit! Baby actually looks like a baby with a face, eyes, a mouth and a nose. The belly is so big and the legs are tiny but powerful! Still no word on boy/girl but soon enough!
    Until then, we're both just happy that everyone is doing so well!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yup, we're preggers!

    For those that are only just finding this out, yes, I am pregnant. I am in my 12th week and almost out of the first trimester. (Thank goodness!) the baby is doing great, and judging by the heartbeat, he/she is going to be strong and feisty!
    We're looking forward to the next sonogram on Friday, June 15. We should be able to see fingers, toes and maybe, if we're really lucky, find out the gender! I haven't felt any movement yet but that's normal and while I can't wait, I don't look forward to feeling like I'm a human gymnastics gym or soccer field. Mama likes her sleep. Hopefully Baby gets the memo!
    So, in sum, we couldn't be happier or more excited and we look forward to meeting our new "mini us"! We're busy planning and making arrangements and we'll be using this blog to keep everyone current on the goings-on of the amazing adventures of Baby Sanvictores.
    P.s. We have decided not to make mention of this happy event on Facebook or any other public site until further notice. While we are eager to share this experience and news with all of you, we feel strongly that this is such a personal and special time for us that we wish to keep this between us for now!

Friday, June 8, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

    So there are a few reasons I wish Christmas was already here, but tonight I discovered another!
Fresh on my wish list is a full-body pillow! A pillow that is long enough to snake around the body from the head to between the knees. Lately I've been experiencing a lot of lower back aches & pains and it is a real relief to add a bit of lower back support to our very old & worn out mattress.
    The only problem is that they're really expensive in the store. Sounds like the perfect job for my sister, the sewing master!

Monday, June 4, 2012

A more than famous day... An Infamous Day!

    April 17, 2012. A day that will live in infamy (and not just as Tax Day).
    That was the day Adrian and I discovered we would soon be parents. I had gone to the doctor for an annual checkup only to find out that, completely unbeknownst to either of us, I was pregnant! While it was a shock to both of us, we've both come to appreciate that God's plan, while confusing at times, is often better than our own.
    And so, we've started this blog to update our family and friends on our progress as parents-to-be. We've chosen not to post anything on the web anywhere else, particularly Facebook, so we offer this site as an opportunity for our loved ones to read, learn and share this experience. Enjoy!