Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Monday, July 23, 2012

Baby says "Hi"

    I read that beginning at 17-18 weeks, you can begin to play music for the baby.  I've also heard that this is also a great way to get them to move around in the first few weeks when the mother can feel the baby.  I got my first two little kicks on July 5th and at first I wondered if I could have possibly been mistaken, but lo' and behold, it was the baby indeed. I have been able to feel a sort of queasiness when the baby moves around, but since the 5th I hadn't really gotten a good solid kick (though Baby decided to pommel my vital organs on Saturday night which was not pleasant). 
    Today, while working at the library, I decided to try putting some headphones on my belly and playing the playlist that I put together for Baby.When the playlist reached one of my favorite and one of the most moving songs I know, "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens, the baby started kicking like crazy.  It was the first time in three weeks that I knew Baby was saying "hi" and I knew right then, Baby has GREAT taste in music! Either that, or Baby was trying to get me to turn it off, but since I must interpret as I choose at this point, I choose to believe that the baby was doing a little happy dance. Unfortunately, I think one of the headphones shifted as did the baby, and it was no longer my stomach that Baby was kicking, but my kidneys... 
    Notwithstanding the kicking of my vitals, I know we'll get along great and I'm hoping soon Daddy can join in on the fun of feeling Baby say "hi"!

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