Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Monday, August 20, 2012

We Now Present...

As promised, bright and early, I am posting to announce that Adrian and I are the very proud future-parents of a sweet baby girl! I have absolutely no intentions of posting any pictures of my child's private parts on cyberspace but I can assure you that there is unequivocal photographic evidence of that fact. Instead I posted this lovely profile pic! It has also been unequivocally confirmed that there is only one baby in there. I hope this stops any future speculation about us having twins (but I doubt it).
    In addition to finally seeing between her sweet little legs, we also got a peak at all of Baby's organs. Everything is developing wonderfully! Baby wasn't really awake during the sonogram but woke up shortly after and thanked me for the Cherry Coke I had drunk beforehand (to wake her up for the sonogram). Perhaps it was for the best after all; in the past she hasn't really cooperated with the sonographer and I was dying to know if  she was a boy or girl.
    So, Adrian and I are thrilled that we will have yet another lady in the house in a few short months and, no doubt, she'll boss us all around admirably. Plans are already in the making to find a saddle for Big Bubba Buckley (just kidding). I also finally got to show Adrian all the girly stuff I've been hoarding for months! Happily, he just laughed and said he liked it. It might take him a while to get used to the "girly stuff", but something tells me that with a daughter on the way he'll learn to tolerate it eventually!
    So, in closing, I hope we didn't disappoint! Yes, we have a name picked out but I'm holding on to that one for a later post and there may be a poll on the preferred spelling to help us out. As a farewell, my baby girl wanted to wave goodbye to you guys!


  1. WHOO HOO! Congrats, love. So happy for you and Adrian!

  2. Yey Katy and Adrian!!! Baby girls are so much fun :) I'm so excited for the two of you!
