Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Babymoon!

    I read a post on a baby website one day that was about the importance of pampering onesself during pregnancy or something silly like that (I'm really just saying that because I took the advice to heart). One of the recommendations was to take a "Babymoon". Essentially, the idea is that the couple take the equivalent of a second honeymoon prior to the birth to allow them time to connect and relax before the madness begins. It's also unlikely or at the very least not recommended that parents travel with really young children, so we know that it will be a while before we can do anything like this again. Plus, I really don't want to be "those people" on the plane, both for my sake and the sake of the other passengers. 
    I thought this was an especially helpful idea since, not only have Adrian and I promised each other that travelling will be a priority for us, but with school, two jobs, a pregnancy and househunting/moving in the next few months, I think I'm owed at least a little relaxation! I think the trip is coming at the perfect time as well since I start school August 20th and my boss will have just gotten back from a two week-long vacation himself. It's true that we could have spent our money elsewhere and there's plenty of ways it could have been spent, but something tells me that, particularly once the baby's here, I'm going to feel like this was the best money we ever spent on a vacation.
    So, where are we going?! We're staying 6 days and 5 nights at an all-inclusive resort in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. I found a fabulous Groupon for 88% off the usual price a few months back and figured it was a deal too good to pass up. The best part is that we had to finish using up our travel vouchers from our honeymoon, so this was the perfect opportunity! What's even better is that, not only are we going to be staying right on one of the rumored most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, but we won't have to pay for much since it's all-inclusive! The scuba diving is supposed to be unparalleled and while that's scratched off our activities list since we don't want Baby to come out looking like Stewie on Family Guy (or evil & vindictive towards me for having subjected it to immense amounts of pressure), the snorkeling is supposed to be no less impressive as well! While ziplining and some other adventure-type excursions are also not an option, I have a feeling we'll have no trouble finding ways to enjoy the beach and the beautiful scenery. I can't wait to get there and relax and I'm just hoping that I won't still be burnt from floating the river when we get there!

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