Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Monday, June 4, 2012

A more than famous day... An Infamous Day!

    April 17, 2012. A day that will live in infamy (and not just as Tax Day).
    That was the day Adrian and I discovered we would soon be parents. I had gone to the doctor for an annual checkup only to find out that, completely unbeknownst to either of us, I was pregnant! While it was a shock to both of us, we've both come to appreciate that God's plan, while confusing at times, is often better than our own.
    And so, we've started this blog to update our family and friends on our progress as parents-to-be. We've chosen not to post anything on the web anywhere else, particularly Facebook, so we offer this site as an opportunity for our loved ones to read, learn and share this experience. Enjoy!

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