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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Diaper Debate

    We've made the decision to try out cloth diapers and our reasons are varied and many. What I have found so surprising is the number of people who have assured us that we WILL change our minds and that it won't be worth the effort.
    I don't generally appreciate people telling me what I will and will not do but regardless, the decision to use cloth diapers was not one that we made lightly. We've (well, I've) done the research and feel certain that cloth diapers will not only be far more cost-effective but will not require much more handling of poop or be any more disgusting than disposable diapers would be. Diapers are diapers and babies are babies. If you're not ready to deal with poop and pee, I (and I'm sure every mom out there) would recommend not having children just yet.

Here's some links to learn more about cloth diapers:

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