Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Happy Dance

    Not that there ever was any, but any and all doubts as to the paternity of this child, whether girl or boy, will be laid aside with this post. Every time I eat the baby commences what I have dubbed the "Mealtime Happy Dance". The baby starts kicking around like there's no tomorrow as if jumping around in anxious anticipation of the impending feeding frenzy. I attribute this trait to the paternal genes since no one appreciates a good meal like my beloved counterpart.
    When I explained this to Adrian he laughed and said that he imagines that if the baby doesn't like something that I eat, it would kink the umbilical cord as if in protest against eating. We both laughed at this but as the baby gets bigger and runs out of space to stretch I wonder if maybe the happy dance isn't just another way of the baby demanding either more or something else. The thought makes me worry about Hungry Baby in future. 
    Food for thought indeed but, regardless of the reason why, shortly after starting any meal lately, I'm sure to become a traveling baby dance floor. The plus side of this is I know that Baby is doing well and is feisty as ever. The negative side, and I don't imagine one can stress this too much, is that I have to continue to eat while a tiny human is using my abdomen as a trampoline. The undeniable fact is that, while it makes post-mealtime somewhat uncomfortable at times, I enjoy knowing that Baby is so uniquely a part of us that it is sure to fit right in upon arrival!

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