Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Friday, June 8, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

    So there are a few reasons I wish Christmas was already here, but tonight I discovered another!
Fresh on my wish list is a full-body pillow! A pillow that is long enough to snake around the body from the head to between the knees. Lately I've been experiencing a lot of lower back aches & pains and it is a real relief to add a bit of lower back support to our very old & worn out mattress.
    The only problem is that they're really expensive in the store. Sounds like the perfect job for my sister, the sewing master!


  1. Well, I finally had to break down and spend the dough for one at Target, but it's exactly the miracle I anticipated it to be! Thanks for the offer but I think you have your hands full with the nursery stuff! Can't thank you enough for all your help with that but I'm sure Baby will find a way!! :D
