Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Fingers, Toes, & a Willful Disposition

    Today was the big day for the sonogram and Baby did not disappoint. In fact, we saw so much of Baby's hands the sonographer had a hard time getting all the measurements she needed. Despite all her poking and prodding Baby refused to drop her hands. I warned Adrian that this was a sure sign that Baby inherited my stubborn nature.
    We got to hear Baby's heartbeat again and even got to watch her kick and move around quite a bit! Baby actually looks like a baby with a face, eyes, a mouth and a nose. The belly is so big and the legs are tiny but powerful! Still no word on boy/girl but soon enough!
    Until then, we're both just happy that everyone is doing so well!

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