Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No Nest to Fluff

    Pregnancy comes with many consequential attributes. One, of which I've heard is the best, is the "nesting period". During the nesting period the mom-to-be prepares the nursery, cleans the house and in all other ways physically, mentally, and emotionally prepares for the arrival of the baby. It manifests in differen ways for different mommies and is all a part of the preparation of the transition from ordinary woman to mother. From those of my friends and family that have been fortunate enough to experience the joy of a nest during the nesting period, I have been assured that it is the most fun part of pregnancy. All focus is upon the health, safety and comfort of the baby, the most important things to a mom-to-be. But what does a gal do who has no nest to... nest?!
    As many already know, Adrian's amazing parents have offered to purchase a home in the San Antonio area that Adrian and I would then rent. Nearly six months and several rejected offers later, we are still waiting and hoping for the right house to come along. In the meantime, our current apartment has cost us over $3000 in damages due to flooding, AC repairs, and miscellaneous havoc, and, as we have discovered this summer, never goes below 82 degrees during the summer months (while costing us exorbitant amounts in electricity). While the insurance claims keep mounting and I continue to wake up sweating in the middle of the night from the excessive heat, I continually think about how crucial establishing a stable and adequate environment for our child truly is. There are so many things that depend on the location of one's home: the proximity of the pediatrician and daycare, the purchase and set-up of baby furniture, the ability to ensure safety of the home itself, and most importantly, the peace of mind that we, as parents of this child, are doing everything possible to ensure our baby is healthy, happy and well cared-for.
    So how do I deal with the increasing need to "nest" and my inability to do so? I shop, crochet, read, research and generally worry myself (and by extension, Adrian) into a frenzy. There's not much else that can be done. Once a home is established, we'll be in a rush to paint & prepare the house, pack, move and organize. The more I think about how little time we have left and how rapidly it is fading away, the more saddened I become that I'm missing out on "the fun part".
    Some good news has since come our way, though. Over the Labor Day weekend, an offer was made on a great house and the offer was accepted! The option period has begun and the inspection is on Friday. I went to see the house this afternoon and it is brimming over with potential! While this is certainly a step in the right direction, I know better than to get too excited. Still, we ask that everyone pray that everything goes well and that there are no surprises during the inspection.

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