Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Monday, July 23, 2012

A Bull-Headed Lil' Booger!

    I had my check up on July 13th, or Friday the 13th. I had called the doctor's office earlier in the week to see if they could do an early gender test by sonogram to figure out the sex of the baby as a belated birthday surprise for Adrian. I didn't expect anything but when I arrived at the office, the doctor told me that they would wheel in the sonogram machine to see if they couldn't figure out the gender!
    Unfortunately, Adrian was crazy-busy at work and wasn't able to go with me to the appointment that day, but it being Friday the 13th, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. The baby's legs were crossed tight at the knees the whole time! Even when the baby would kick, they would kick at the same time not allowing the doctor a peak!
    Although frustrating, it was wonderful to get to see that the baby is progressing beautifully and really looks like a baby now with toes and feet and a little more on it's bones than just a thin layer of skin. As a souvenir and birthday surprise, I got to take Daddy home a picture of the baby's face.

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