Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Drum Roll Please!

    Today was the long-awaited sonogram that was supposed to finally reveal the gender of the baby. This time around, Baby did not disappoint. Not only are all the organs and heartbeat right on track, Baby gave us a peek between those little legs!
    As many of you know, my dream and the Chinese calendar predicted a girl, however the Cuban test and a baby heartbeat prediction predicted a boy. It goes without saying that neither of these methods is an absolute guarantee and we definitely found that to be true today.
    So, what did we see?! Come back here on Monday to find out! Yup! We've discussed it and we want our family to find out first before everyone else, but I promise the reveal will be worth the visit. We have photos and videos of the sonogram and I promise to post as much as possible ... MONDAY!

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