Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Friday, August 24, 2012

A Pregnant Lady Walks Into A Bar...

    So the last couple of nights we've gone out with friends. It's nice to be around a group of people you know and like, having fun and doing things that non-pregnant people do for a change. However the site thumb syndrome kicks in when you realize there might be a reason that pregnant women aren't seen out in clubs that often.
    It's no longer any secret to the world that I'm pregnant. At almost 6 months, it's pretty obvious that it's not just a bunch of extra weight I've gained in the frontal stomach area over the summer. If that didn't resolve any lingering doubts, the occasional jump seen through my t-shirt would. So, when walking in the bar to meet some friends that were moving away on Thursday, I realized that I was a walking punchline. It made me feel self-conscious, but did it make me leave...? Absolutely not!
    I realized rather quickly that I'm either a public service announcement about the importance of birth control (which I personally find HILARIOUS) or just simply that pregnant lady who just ordered a Shirley Temple instead of the usual Raspberry Martini. Not only that, but there are certain perks to being the pregnant lady in the bar. People offer you a seat, which can be hard to come by in a busy bar, and waitresses don't give you that pissed off look when you only order water. Aside from the inevitable stares, it's basically business as usual otherwise; people drinking, looking at other people.
    When we went to the club last night to celebrate a friend's birthday, did I make like a wallflower and sit in the booth the whole night with the guys...? Heck no! God made me to be a joiner! Admittedly, there were some awkward "belly rubs" while on the dance floor, but thankfully they were mostly from myself!
    So, what did I learn from all this, you may ask. I learned that, at least for the time being, I'm still a young fun-loving woman, pregnant or not, and as long as the baby will let me, I'm entitled to a good time! If that includes going to bars & clubs with my friends before being on lockdown with a newborn, I think I should enjoy it as much as possible while I can. I've never cared about what people think and I don't figure now is a good time to start. As I continue to get bigger and clothes get smaller, I figure the best thing to do is milk it for all it's worth, enjoy our last few months of baby-free life, and maybe enjoy the fact that the joke may be on me, but not for much longer!!!

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