Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yup, we're preggers!

    For those that are only just finding this out, yes, I am pregnant. I am in my 12th week and almost out of the first trimester. (Thank goodness!) the baby is doing great, and judging by the heartbeat, he/she is going to be strong and feisty!
    We're looking forward to the next sonogram on Friday, June 15. We should be able to see fingers, toes and maybe, if we're really lucky, find out the gender! I haven't felt any movement yet but that's normal and while I can't wait, I don't look forward to feeling like I'm a human gymnastics gym or soccer field. Mama likes her sleep. Hopefully Baby gets the memo!
    So, in sum, we couldn't be happier or more excited and we look forward to meeting our new "mini us"! We're busy planning and making arrangements and we'll be using this blog to keep everyone current on the goings-on of the amazing adventures of Baby Sanvictores.
    P.s. We have decided not to make mention of this happy event on Facebook or any other public site until further notice. While we are eager to share this experience and news with all of you, we feel strongly that this is such a personal and special time for us that we wish to keep this between us for now!


  1. I am so happy for you guys. You and Adrian are going to be great parents to this special child. Let me know if you need anything!

  2. Aw! Thanks, Nicole! Well, you know I'll be calling you panicked wondering whether I'm completely messing my kid up once they're here, so no worries! Thanks for all your support. It really has made a wonderful difference to me!
