Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Fingers, Toes, & a Willful Disposition

    Today was the big day for the sonogram and Baby did not disappoint. In fact, we saw so much of Baby's hands the sonographer had a hard time getting all the measurements she needed. Despite all her poking and prodding Baby refused to drop her hands. I warned Adrian that this was a sure sign that Baby inherited my stubborn nature.
    We got to hear Baby's heartbeat again and even got to watch her kick and move around quite a bit! Baby actually looks like a baby with a face, eyes, a mouth and a nose. The belly is so big and the legs are tiny but powerful! Still no word on boy/girl but soon enough!
    Until then, we're both just happy that everyone is doing so well!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yup, we're preggers!

    For those that are only just finding this out, yes, I am pregnant. I am in my 12th week and almost out of the first trimester. (Thank goodness!) the baby is doing great, and judging by the heartbeat, he/she is going to be strong and feisty!
    We're looking forward to the next sonogram on Friday, June 15. We should be able to see fingers, toes and maybe, if we're really lucky, find out the gender! I haven't felt any movement yet but that's normal and while I can't wait, I don't look forward to feeling like I'm a human gymnastics gym or soccer field. Mama likes her sleep. Hopefully Baby gets the memo!
    So, in sum, we couldn't be happier or more excited and we look forward to meeting our new "mini us"! We're busy planning and making arrangements and we'll be using this blog to keep everyone current on the goings-on of the amazing adventures of Baby Sanvictores.
    P.s. We have decided not to make mention of this happy event on Facebook or any other public site until further notice. While we are eager to share this experience and news with all of you, we feel strongly that this is such a personal and special time for us that we wish to keep this between us for now!

Friday, June 8, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

    So there are a few reasons I wish Christmas was already here, but tonight I discovered another!
Fresh on my wish list is a full-body pillow! A pillow that is long enough to snake around the body from the head to between the knees. Lately I've been experiencing a lot of lower back aches & pains and it is a real relief to add a bit of lower back support to our very old & worn out mattress.
    The only problem is that they're really expensive in the store. Sounds like the perfect job for my sister, the sewing master!

Monday, June 4, 2012

A more than famous day... An Infamous Day!

    April 17, 2012. A day that will live in infamy (and not just as Tax Day).
    That was the day Adrian and I discovered we would soon be parents. I had gone to the doctor for an annual checkup only to find out that, completely unbeknownst to either of us, I was pregnant! While it was a shock to both of us, we've both come to appreciate that God's plan, while confusing at times, is often better than our own.
    And so, we've started this blog to update our family and friends on our progress as parents-to-be. We've chosen not to post anything on the web anywhere else, particularly Facebook, so we offer this site as an opportunity for our loved ones to read, learn and share this experience. Enjoy!