Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ready or Not...

    Nine months ago, the most wonderful thing happened. I became pregnant. Tomorrow, after nine months of the craziest ride I've ever been on, I will give birth to the biggest dream I ever dared dream. Miss Ayla Jane Sanvictores is scheduled to be compelled into this world.
    After repeated hints from my doctor, we decided that it was prudent to schedule to induce labor the day after my due date to avoid any unnecessary complications caused by the size of the baby. For the last two weeks, Adrian and I have prepared and finally, the day has come!
    I suppose I should want things to happen on their own, but I feel more and more fortunate that I know the exact date and circumstances that all the excitement will begin. Moreover, I won't have to worry about any embarrassing incidents in the Target checkout line or whether my doctor will be in town. Everything will be monitored and controlled. Even better, my doctor broke down the timing and expectations for the progress of the labor tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about whether I'm going to be suffering for hours without need.
    My mother is coming in town to help support Adrian and myself. Adrian and I have spent the day cleaning and preparing and shortly after I log off from posting this I'll be tucking myself in for the last time as a pregnant woman waiting to be a mommy.
    It seems almost surreal that the day is already here and I find it hard to believe that this time tomorrow night I'll be holding my baby girl after dreaming about her for so long! One thing is certain though, we'll be enjoying a wonderful Christmas this year, the first as a real family! So in case I don't have a chance to post again, merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone! I'll post pictures and more news when I get a chance. Catch you all on the flip side!

Monday, December 3, 2012


    Today, I was in Hobby Lobby picking up a shelf for the nursery mural (which turned out fantastic by the way) and a little boy walked up to me and called me "mommy". At first I thought he was confused but then he pointed to my tummy and and said "baby". It hit me at that point that in a matter of days I would be someone's mommy!
    I'm officially 9 months pregnant now. There's no more room in my tummy for more baby, but I'm still two weeks away from the big day. Ayla's getting excited and I can hardly wait myself. Adrian  has mentioned things that we still need to get and as he goes through the list, I'm amazed at the things we've already gotten covered. In a matter of a month, we moved in to the house, moved out of the apartment, arranged all the necessary furniture, I finished all my classes and finals and now I have two weeks to get the house in order before our lives change all over again. I feel so incredibly blessed and overwhelmed. I have to give Adrian particular thanks for keeping it together while doing all the heavy lifting and still working his crazy overtime schedule.
    Life is a whirlwind of crazy at this point but I've never been more happy or contented with the minutiae of life. Now that finals are over, the minutiae is the best part because I finally have time to think about it! Maybe it's the season of Christmas and Thanksgiving or just the fact that God has blessed me so wonderfully and completely with a wonderful husband, an amazing family, a not-so-tiny miracle and a life I never could have dreamed of for myself.