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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Infant Life Hacks

    I thought it might be nice to share some of the quick little tips Adrian and I picked up along the way that made life surviving the first 9 months a little better. This will probably become another list that I update along the way as well. Enjoy!
    1. Put a blanket, quilt, or crib pad down on the crib mattress every time baby sleeps in the crib. The last thing you want to do at 3:00 A.M. is change the crib sheet because baby spit up or peed. Just make sure that whatever you use will not suffocate baby if they roll around. 
    2. Power pumping. It's time consuming and a pain but also the BEST way to ensure that you get your milk supply up as much as possible in those critical first couple of weeks. 
    3. Feed solid foods, bathe, then give baby a bottle. This helps baby get full, relax, and then top off. Ayla usually lays her head down within 15 minutes of finishing her bottle so when we put her in her crib, there's rarely ever any crying or complaining. 
    4. Let daddy take a feeding. By trading off feedings or taking a particular overnight feeding, daddy can help you get a few more minutes of sleep every night by taking just one or two of those late night or early morning feedings. Pump throughout the day and there'll be plenty of breastmilk for him or he can use formula if you supplement. 
    5. Keep wipes stashed all over the house. Baby spits up at all hours of the day and night and you may have to do an impromptu diaper change or wipe baby down for whatever reason. Having wipes handy gets you back to play or snuggle time that much faster!
    6. Don't throw any durable containers away. Some of the best toys we have are empty water bottles and formula boxes. Just wash thoroughly and let dry before giving to baby. It's the free stuff that always seems to get the most use in our house. 
    7. Don't be afraid to wash baby off in the sink or tub rather than use half a box of wipes. Wipes having chemicals that can  irritate baby's skin and those blowout poops get everywhere anyways so sometimes it's just easier to lay a few towels down in the sink and hose baby down. Always fill the sink to the appropriate level first so you can test the water temperature. 
    8. Invest in a few water proof pads for the changing table. These are great because it allows you to be a bit more messy as you're learning to change diapers without adding to the laundry pile. Babies 'R Us has great disposable ones.
    9. Get a travel changing pad with pockets or compartments. This allows you to store diapers, a change of clothes, wipes, and/or cream without carrying your whole diaper bag into the bathroom with you. Guaranteed life saver when away from home. 
    10. Always carry a change of clothes. You just never know what's going to happen. Seriously. 
    11. Always buy a backup lovey. If baby has a favorite toy or binky, be sure to get body doubles ASAP. It's essential to have something handy when Lovey's in the wash or temporarily M.I.A. and before that model is discontinued and nowhere to be found. 
    12. Always pack one more bottle than you think you may need when going out. It's better to have an extra than get stuck without one. It may also be helpful to invest in bottle coolers or carry an unopened bottle of water in your diaper bag with a formula portioner. We got the Tommee Tippee bottle coolers and use them all the time. 
    13. Invest in a carseat cover. Whether you make it yourself (they're super easy to make like this one I made. This is the pattern.) or get one free with shipping & handling from Carseat Canopy, it's a great way to cover baby when going out, protect them from nosy shoppers, and while its rainy or sunny. It can also double as a travel playmat and/or a nursing cover in a pinch.
    14. Give baby a distraction while they're on the changing table. Ayla started getting really fussy whenever I would lay her down on the table to change her. She would try to spin her way off the side and then she'd get mad at me when I wouldn't let her. Turns out, all I had to do was give her a choice of comb or brush and ... Voila! Problem solved... For a bit.
    15. The Tidy Diner. It's a reusable silicone placemat that you can pull out at a restaurant, rinse, roll up and go. Genius!
    16. Stroller bags are a must! Yes, this is not necessarily the same as your every day diaper bag, although I'm trying to figure out a pattern to make them interchangeable. I have a link to a fantastic pattern for a stroller bag on a separate post. It makes all the difference in the world to be able to add some storage to an umbrella stroller once you're ready to let go of your full-size travel system.