Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting Ready!

    So many exciting things are going on that it's difficult to focus on just one, so I won't try. As I've mentioned on previous posts, Adrian and I have been desparate to find a house to settle in that is far more suitable than our decrepit apartment. The best news is that we have closed on a house in the 151/Potranco area of San Antonio and have already begun to move in. This is some of the best news that either of us has received in a long time and it's certainly a load off both our shoulders. We're hoping to have time to prepare everything properly beforehand, but knowing that we'll have a safehaven to bring Baby home is a huge relief! Not only that, but we are in the process of settling with our apartment complex in such a way that will be best for all parties involved.
    Secondly, I've had a little bit of time to focus on preparing for the big moment. I started putting my hospital bag together the other day and it's amazing how much fun I had just throwing a few things into an overnight bag. Generally, I hate packing, but this time around, I found it incredibly fun! I've packed Baby's outfits for the hospital and going home, comfy clothes for me and most of all the necessaries I'll need for what will hopefully be a short stay. I've even included a list of things I still need to pack or will have to pack last minute for Adrian to either grab on the go or come back and pack once I'm admitted. Adrian was impressed and, I have to admit, so was I. The goal is to slowly but surely do what I can in the meantime to prepare so that it's not as mad a rush when we get situated in the house.
    Thirdly, our birthing, parenting and breastfeeding classes are all scheduled, and we have meetings with prospective pediatricians. Now, the next major thing to check off our list is to find a daycare. We've been travelling a lot on the weekends, which is coming to an abrupt halt as of the end of October, so I'm hoping that we will be able to nail down a wonderful daycare within a few weeks. We visited one that looks fantastic but now we have to figure out the few weeks before Ayla is old enough to go to daycare but I'll be in school.
    We've had amazing help from Adrian's parents and everyone has been incredibly supportive. We can't help you all enough for all your words of encouragement and prayers. I think it's obvious that it's all paying off now!