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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The "Mom Cut"

    One of the things that I've made a decision about is the "mom cut". I'd say it's a safe bet that as a new mother I won't be able to do my hair every day, in fact, I'll be lucky to get a shower once a day. Having long, thick hair isn't conducive to those conditions and, let's face it, it may just make matters worse. I often just pull it up, dry or wet, each morning and there it stays for the remainder of the day.
    Since I don't foresee long hair being an asset to me as a new mom (and maybe more of a liability), I've made the executive decision to chop it off! Yes, I'm cutting off the hair that I've been growing out since Adrian and I got married (which is actually true). I cut my hair shortly before Adrian and I got engaged and then regretted it when it hadn't grown out as much as I wanted by the time we got married, so I decided to grow out my hair until I just got sick of it. That day is imminent.
    I've decided that a few weeks before my due date, assuming I make it until then, I will chop off the majority of my hair. I'm not going to go Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias crazy or anything, but by my calculations, I'll be cutting off over a foot of hair leaving the remainder length at just below my shoulders. The cut portion will of course be donated to Locks of Love or some charitable organization to help those in need of my hopelessly split-ended coiff.
    So, if you have any suggestions on style or salon, please pass them along. Here are a few of the ideas I had in mind:

    Having looked at all three of the pictures now, I realize they're basically all the same, just parted or styled differently. Oh well!