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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Best Asset

    It's been a LOOOOONG time since I had an opportunity to post anything, and there's been a very good reason for it. After four years, a slew of different jobs, and a baby, I finally graduated from law school in May of this year; a life-long goal that was in the making for 20 years, but in all those years of planning for my success, having a baby when I was so close to the finish line was not part of the plan.  It turns out, it should have been! 
    When I found out that I was pregnant I literally had a panic attack in the doctor's office. I thought that my legal career had ended before it ever began. After all, what crazy person has a kid while they're in law school. Well, it turns out plenty of people do, so I figured so could I. As time passed, I realized that there was nothing that could get in the way of me finishing what I started because, inevitably, there would come a day when that sweet little baby would walk up to me and say, "Mommy, I can't do it. It's just too hard."
    Too hard... Too hard is waking up at 7 a.m. to be at work by 8, working until 5 p.m. to be at school by 6, finish with school by 9:30 (hopefully), home by 10, and study until 2 or 3 a.m., only to get a few hours of sleep before having to wake up and repeat it all over again... for five months! Too hard is staying up all night feeding a newborn baby, then realizing it's Saturday morning and time to go to class (but you haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep in the last 60 hours) and hitting your husband's prized possession (his car) as you back out of the driveway. Too hard is working two jobs, doing clinic, juggling a full class load, and getting home in time to make dinner. I've learned a lot about "too hard" in the last four years. I've also learned that despite it all, it would have been far more difficult for me to give up, live with the guilt of an unfinished dream, and have to explain to my daughter that I had to give up because I became a mom. That would violate everything I stand for as a woman, and everything I know to be true.
    Almost immediately after graduating from law school, I had to start studying for the Bar. It's an all-consuming business, studying for the Bar. I was recently advised that I should be devoting 10-12 hours per day studying and reviewing. I wake up, spend about an hour if I'm lucky with Ayla and Adrian (which is mostly spent getting ready) before heading out the door to either run errands or head straight to the library. I eat lunch in front of the computer, and generally don't get out of my seat for a minimum of seven to eight hours. If I'm lucky, I'll get to FaceTime with Ayla and Adrian for about five minutes before going back to my "hole" (my study carrel). I generally leave the library just in time to get home and tuck Ayla in to bed. Many nights, I end up having to continue studying after Ayla goes to bed. It's not 10-12 hours worth every day, but I'm keeping up. It's been tough thus far, and I'm not even over the worst of it yet.
    So what's my point? Well, as studying for the Bar has helped me to appreciate more than ever, being a mom and a wife is actually the secret to my sanity. In fact, I honestly think I would be a crazed mess at this point if I didn't get to come home to a squealing toddler, overeager dog, and a devoted, loving husband. How lucky am I that I get to have impromptu tea parties with Ayla and fight with Adrian about who's going to do the dishes tonight?! It's life, and it hasn't stopped because I'm studying for the Bar, a fact that a lot of my colleagues fail to remember. Luckily for me, I'm reminded every day that I don't have any other choice. The best part of my day is spending time with my little family and I can't afford to give that up. After all, they're going to be the ones who either help me celebrate if I'm successful, or pick up the pieces and start over again if I'm not.
    It's a heck of a thing getting everything you want out of life. It's even better when you get more than you bargained for. Twenty years ago when I mapped out what I wanted for my life (yes, I was a weird kid), I never planned on being a wife and a mom before I became a lawyer (in fact, that wasn't part of the plan at all). I was eleven years old and told myself and everyone else I would never get married or have kids; they would interfere with me getting what I wanted. It's a good thing that Someone Else was looking out for me; Someone that knew better, because, as it turns out, I wouldn't have what I wanted all those years ago without them! But the last four years have spoiled me. They've made me believe that anything truly is possible if you work hard enough. Only time will tell if I pass the Bar the first time around or if I'll have to start from scratch in November, but come July 29th, I'll be the luckiest girl in the room with an advantage that no one else has. I get to go home to my family afterwards!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Favorite Baby Crafts

    My crafty bug went into overload when I started nesting and then it became a source of stress relief for me so it never really let up, even over a year after I had Ayla. So, I thought it would be nice if I posted some of my favorite (and super easy) craft projects. I crochet and sew so and these are a mixture of the two. Most of these I've tried and I can certify are easy and fun, the ones that I haven't I'll mark them as such! Don't get the wrong idea though; I'm no expert seamstress. Trust me! If I can do these patterns, so can you! Most of the projects that I've completed are on my Pinterest boards so you can check out how they turned out.

1. Carseat blanket with a nifty slot for the buckle. Great crochet project for any expectant mom or baby shower gift.

2. Babylegs can be pricey so I found these 
wonderful tutorials that show you how to 
make them yourself. http://rsobaje.blogspot
-socks.html?m=1   http://cally-cruze.

3. Homemade changing pad. I love this tutorial because it goes step by step and it gave me a chance to have everything I needed for a diaper change in one convenient place.

4. I got this pattern care of my bestie who has a boy. Super easy and fast and oh so adorable! Best part is it will grow with your little one as he gets bigger so it's a great month by month photo prop!

5. Cable crochet baby blanket. I haven't tried this pattern out yet but it's so pretty that I had to share!

6. Stroller bag pattern. Perfect for those umbrella strollers with zero storage for your keys or cell phone. Another that I haven't tried yet but it's next on my list!
**Update** I did make this and not only was it super easy to follow the tutorial, it turned out really cute! We use this bag instead of our regular diaper bag sometimes because it's so convenient and works with both strollers. Definitely a great baby shower gift!

7. Baby girl dress. I actually bought a pattern that is almost identical to this dress. It was super easy to make even for my rather unskilled seamstress self.
**Update** I made a dress for Ayla for Easter but I got the sizing all wrong and it was way too big. Fortunately, it'll keep until she can fit in it and it turned out really cute so it'll be nice to have for church or more casual special occasions.

8. PJ holder. I have to admit I was a bit confused by this concept at first but when I started to think about how Ayla's jammies get tossed around after we change her so they're not in the way, it started to make sense. Haven't made it yet but it's on the ever-growing list.

9. I made Ayla an armchair to get comfy in while she finished her evening bottle and watched her cartoons in the morning. She LOVES that thing and so do I! I added a long zipper in the back on the bottom seam to allow me to take out the inner cushions and wash the slipcover when necessary. Makes a huge difference. The pattern is out of print but it can still be found online if you look. This is a link to one that's only $4:

10. Car seat covers are a staple for any new mom. They're so easy to make and can be used for anything from an impromptu nursing cover or a baby playmat in a pinch. There are a ton of free tutorials and I've posted one of many. I added extra straps on the side to keep the cover in place. You can also make it fully reversible by adding straps on the other side.

**Update** 11. Travel high chair. This is the one thing that gets comments every time we pull it out. It's the easiest thing that I've made yet and the biggest lifesaver of them all. Ayla loves it and it's super portable. BEST INVENTION EVER!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tough Love

    Ayla is now days away from being 1 year old and I'm dealing with an unfortunate behavioral issue. It's cropped up in the last few weeks and is one of the most frustrating things that I've had to deal with thus far. Hitting. Not just hitting either, she'll hit me and then crack up laughing when I tell her "No!"
    Up to this point my only response has been to hold her hand, look her in the eye and firmly say "No." And her inevitable response is to look me straight in the face and laugh really hard. What's even more frustrating is that it always seems directed at me, never anyone else.  It's sometimes hard to remind myself that she's not trying to hurt me but can't express herself any other way. I was reading several blog posts last night from moms who have had similar issues and they've all pretty much said the same thing that I've been doing. Some have recommended time-outs, distracting her with a toy, or even providing a suitable object to hit instead.
    The good thing is that I usually know exactly why it's happening. Last night, for instance, I had to wake her up to feed her dinner. She was exhausted and just wanted to go back to bed. She started throwing a fit while I was trying to feed her and a little later when we were snuggling on the couch. Adrian had to put her to bed and it was the first time I didn't kiss her goodnight and tell her I loved her. It broke my heart but I didn't want to give her another opportunity to hit me. And to tell the truth, my feelings were hurt. This morning it happened again. We were playing on the floor before I took her to daycare and she started getting fussy and hitting again but she actually crawled into my lap to hit me. I placed her back on the floor, looked at her and said no. Finally, after three or four times, I gave her the rest of her morning bottle and it stopped. Maybe the distraction thing works, maybe the night's sleep helped calm me down but I felt more confident that this was a stage that I could get through without wanting to rip my hair out.
    She's still my sweet baby, but I guess this is a sign of what road lies ahead. I guess the real parenting is about to start. Tough love sucks!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Infant Life Hacks

    I thought it might be nice to share some of the quick little tips Adrian and I picked up along the way that made life surviving the first 9 months a little better. This will probably become another list that I update along the way as well. Enjoy!
    1. Put a blanket, quilt, or crib pad down on the crib mattress every time baby sleeps in the crib. The last thing you want to do at 3:00 A.M. is change the crib sheet because baby spit up or peed. Just make sure that whatever you use will not suffocate baby if they roll around. 
    2. Power pumping. It's time consuming and a pain but also the BEST way to ensure that you get your milk supply up as much as possible in those critical first couple of weeks. 
    3. Feed solid foods, bathe, then give baby a bottle. This helps baby get full, relax, and then top off. Ayla usually lays her head down within 15 minutes of finishing her bottle so when we put her in her crib, there's rarely ever any crying or complaining. 
    4. Let daddy take a feeding. By trading off feedings or taking a particular overnight feeding, daddy can help you get a few more minutes of sleep every night by taking just one or two of those late night or early morning feedings. Pump throughout the day and there'll be plenty of breastmilk for him or he can use formula if you supplement. 
    5. Keep wipes stashed all over the house. Baby spits up at all hours of the day and night and you may have to do an impromptu diaper change or wipe baby down for whatever reason. Having wipes handy gets you back to play or snuggle time that much faster!
    6. Don't throw any durable containers away. Some of the best toys we have are empty water bottles and formula boxes. Just wash thoroughly and let dry before giving to baby. It's the free stuff that always seems to get the most use in our house. 
    7. Don't be afraid to wash baby off in the sink or tub rather than use half a box of wipes. Wipes having chemicals that can  irritate baby's skin and those blowout poops get everywhere anyways so sometimes it's just easier to lay a few towels down in the sink and hose baby down. Always fill the sink to the appropriate level first so you can test the water temperature. 
    8. Invest in a few water proof pads for the changing table. These are great because it allows you to be a bit more messy as you're learning to change diapers without adding to the laundry pile. Babies 'R Us has great disposable ones.
    9. Get a travel changing pad with pockets or compartments. This allows you to store diapers, a change of clothes, wipes, and/or cream without carrying your whole diaper bag into the bathroom with you. Guaranteed life saver when away from home. 
    10. Always carry a change of clothes. You just never know what's going to happen. Seriously. 
    11. Always buy a backup lovey. If baby has a favorite toy or binky, be sure to get body doubles ASAP. It's essential to have something handy when Lovey's in the wash or temporarily M.I.A. and before that model is discontinued and nowhere to be found. 
    12. Always pack one more bottle than you think you may need when going out. It's better to have an extra than get stuck without one. It may also be helpful to invest in bottle coolers or carry an unopened bottle of water in your diaper bag with a formula portioner. We got the Tommee Tippee bottle coolers and use them all the time. 
    13. Invest in a carseat cover. Whether you make it yourself (they're super easy to make like this one I made. This is the pattern.) or get one free with shipping & handling from Carseat Canopy, it's a great way to cover baby when going out, protect them from nosy shoppers, and while its rainy or sunny. It can also double as a travel playmat and/or a nursing cover in a pinch.
    14. Give baby a distraction while they're on the changing table. Ayla started getting really fussy whenever I would lay her down on the table to change her. She would try to spin her way off the side and then she'd get mad at me when I wouldn't let her. Turns out, all I had to do was give her a choice of comb or brush and ... Voila! Problem solved... For a bit.
    15. The Tidy Diner. It's a reusable silicone placemat that you can pull out at a restaurant, rinse, roll up and go. Genius!
    16. Stroller bags are a must! Yes, this is not necessarily the same as your every day diaper bag, although I'm trying to figure out a pattern to make them interchangeable. I have a link to a fantastic pattern for a stroller bag on a separate post. It makes all the difference in the world to be able to add some storage to an umbrella stroller once you're ready to let go of your full-size travel system.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Best Toys Money Can Buy

    These toys are proof-positive that it doesn't take a lot of money to entertain a baby! I'll post more ideas as they are discovered.

$1 whiffle balls from Dollar Tree and a pot.

An empty 3 quart water bottle.

$1 Wind-up monkey toy from Dollar Tree. A useful crawling practice tool. (Of course, this one is only used under tight supervision.)

Stacking cups from Grandma Mimi.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Wonderful Article

I read this Bump article and thought it actually had great advice and information. Some of the articles that I read from the Bump make me question then as a reliable source of support but this has realistic advice and information for moms who are weighing whether to breastfeed or formula feed. Obviously, I'm a breast feeding supporter and this article helps resolve a lot of the misconceptions I had and was given about breastfeeding. 

Enjoy everyone!,%202013&MsdVisit=1

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

THOSE People

    Our little family is scheduled to visit some VIPs in Washington state in August, and in preparation, Adrian and I are researching travel tips for flying with an infant. My biggest fear is becoming THOSE  people on the plane with the screaming baby that everyone wishes they could incinerate with laser beams shooting out of their eyes. I always hated that when I would travel from DC to Texas and want to avoid that at all costs now.
    Amidst researching the airline, TSA, searching the internet and conferring with friends who have successfully travelled with their children, we've managed to figure out a few things. 
     1. Maybe most important for me to remind myself, those people are the ones that do nothing and act like people should just get over it. It's true that there's not much that can be done about a screaming, crying baby. But I do think there is a big difference between parents that try and those that could care less about the others around them. I'm obviously not that person, so I think we're covered in that respect.
     2. The number one suggestion has been to feed Ayla a bottle at take off and landing to help her equalize her ears and keep her calm. This actually works out perfectly because the flight takes about 4 1/2 hours and takes off about an hour before her bedtime, which will work out nicely if she can manage to fall asleep and stay asleep on the plane.
     3. Apparently, checking the stroller and the carseat shouldn't be a problem, but the one concern I have is definitely what to do when/if we have to keep her in her carseat, for instance during take off and landing. Plus, she's so squirmy now and I just know she's going to give me those big, brown puppy dog eyes to beg me to take her out. My plan of attack is to bring a few interesting toys and, the guaranteed distraction, my phone! 
     4. We've started Ayla on solids, beginning with rice cereal and we're going to slowly work in a variety of fruits and vegetables. That's handy since that gives us more of a variety of options while we travel but milk was a concern since it's a liquid. Apparently frozen breastmilk should be ok and we can buy pre-bottled formula that won't freak TSA out too much. If all else fails, I'm a walking baby buffet, which may come in handy, so I think we'll be ok for food.
     5. Even though we're traveling with an extra person (who oddly enough requires two times the clothing & luggage as us), we only get the standard carry on allowance for the ticketed seats. Considering that the flight is a critical part of the trip, this presents a particular problem. Adrian and I have decided that we would prefer to attempt to travel light. I'm leaving my purse at home or will pack it in my suitcase. The diaper bag is big enough to double for my carry on for purposes of the flight and Adrian will bring a backpack that will contain the iPad, travel documents, adult snacks, etc... Hopefully this limits the amount we'll have to juggle at the gate.
     6. DIAPERS! We have to use disposables while we're traveling but we still need to use the cloth diapers at night. Still haven't figured this one out except that we're going to pack one package of disposables and wing it with the cloth diapers. We can always purchase more diapers but we may not be able to wash the cloth diapers. We may have to figure something out.
    All in all, we're looking forward to the visit and now we feel more confident about the trip! We've done our homework so I think we'll manage at least as well as can be expected under the circumstances. Now all that's left to do is go and buy Ayla her very own luggage from Sam Moon!